Finding 180 Horses for World-Class Polocrosse 

With the Adina Polocrosse World Cup 2019 in April now just 10 months away, work is progressing well on sourcing the 180 horses required for the prestigious event. 

The World Cup’s horse scouters are Gill Mathie, Charlie Brook and Kent Wells, three very experienced horsemen and passionate members of the polocrosse community. All three have been travelling across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria to watch horses play in club tournaments and source world-class horses for April 2019.

A lesson learned at the 2007 World Cup is that a solid B- to C-grade horse can turn into magic when paired with a world-class player. 

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The scouters are right on track to find the horses they need. A total of forty horses have already been promised from Queensland, and more have been committed from other states. Overall, it is expected that around two-thirds of the horses will come from Queensland and New South Wales. More owners will sign up their horses as the date of the World Cup approaches. 

There are some great benefits for owners of horses lent to the World Cup, not just in getting to watch their horse play under the saddle of a world-class player. In addition to having feed (thanks to the World Cup's friends at Barastoc!), vet and farrier bills and insurance covered, each horse donated receives an official World Cup rug (thanks to the Australian Stockman’s Saddlery), a free weekly pass to the Adina Polocrosse World Cup for their owner and more. All horses will be in the running to receive a cash prize for the Black Toyota Champion Men’s Horse and the Equestrian Champion Ladies’ Horse in each game. Plus, there is a chance for owners to win a two-night stay for two at the luxurious Halcyon House on the North Coast of NSW (valued at over $1,200)! 

A few of the generous owners who will be lending their horses include 

  • Warwick Polocrosse Club (15 horses)

  • Peter Eton (QLD)

  • Brad Cooper (VIC)

  • John Bowling (QLD)

  • Lyle Scott and Trish Jones (WA)

  • Mick Rynne, the president of the Polocrosse Association of Australia (Though he doesn’t know it yet! Mick has two horses stabled with horse scouter Kent Wells who has lent them on behalf of Mick…)

All of these owners have lent horses for World Cups hosted in Australia in the past. 

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At the 2003 and 2007 World Cups, polocrosse players across Australia loaned a magnificent line-up of horses. These horse owners are commended for their efforts as the high-calibre of the horses contributed to the overall success of those events. Those who lent a horse must have been thrilled to see their horse perform on the international stage. 

Many of the horses loaned will be registered Australian Stock Horses, possibly the world's most versatile horse, often referred to as 'the breed for every need'. The Australian Stock Horse is a fine working and performance animal, renowned for its toughness, endurance, resilience and strength. It also has cat-like speed and agility, giving the horse a blend of attributes which have produced the world's best at both work and play. With its versatility, the Australian Stock Horse has achieved outstanding success in a wide variety of sports including campdrafting, showjumping, dressage, eventing, Pony Club events, harness, polo and polocrosse. 

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If you have what might be a world-class polocrosse horse, you can find more information on the lending of your horse and the contacts of the horse scouters here.


Thank you to the sponsors who are supporting the horses of the Adina Polocrosse World Cup: 

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